Close the Gap Day each year prompts a national reflection on where we have been and where we want to go. This year, on 18 March 2021, we are acutely aware that the language of Closing the Gap – focusing on the gap – is a language of deficit. ln today’s times, this feels very much like a language of yesterday.
First Australians Capital prefers the language of growth and opportunity. We celebrate and support the cultural and creative capacity of Indigenous communities to develop, launch and thrive in business. We believe that economic development holds a significant key to achieving parity across Australia’s mosaic communities. Removing the barriers that exist for First Australians to actively participate in growing our economic prosperity as a Nation, ultimately unlocks a new economy with broad reaching benefits far beyond a single bottom line.

Indigenous business owners and entrepreneurs are role models in society, demonstrating that business is a viable track to individual and collective prosperity. The “Indigenous Business Growth Report”, commissioned by First Australians Capital in partnership with Supply Nation, identified that the children of business owners are more likely to graduate, 54% of Indigenous businesses sponsor local sports teams and cultural events, and 56% frequently provide pro-bono advice and support.
Thriving Indigenous businesses, business owners and entrepreneurs vastly accelerate our progress and deliver outsized benefits toward education, health, employment and social insecurity. First Australians Capital recently called on the Federal Government to invest in the future of the Indigenous business sector and match the philanthropic and private investment already committed to create a truly independent, Indigenous-led PPP partnership fund to seed and grow the Australian Indigenous business sector. See the full press release here.
We call on your partnership in embracing this message and taking steps to realise a new economy: one that harnesses the unlimited potential of Indigenous Australians and 60,000+ years of successful enterprise. Investing in Indigenous businesses drives development dividends, with multi-generational benefit deep into communities; cultivating an economic system that works to not just Close the Gap, but build a new economy for the entire nation.
If you or your business needs support, access to networks, finance or advice, please get in touch and tell us about your business.