For Investors and Partners

How they work with us

First Australians Capital brings together private, government, and philanthropic sectors to support high-potential First Nations businesses. This model fosters economic participation through business creation or self-employment, driving generational change and reducing systemic gaps. Our approach has proven that investing in First Nations businesses yields significant social impact. Donations provide patient capital to build capacity and make these businesses investment ready. 

The First Australians Capital Catalytic Impact Fund offers investors a unique opportunity to support generational impact while empowering First Nations businesses and communities across Australia. By connecting investment markets with the First Nations economy, this fund provides accessible, patient debt finance to support First Nations enterprises and address racial inequity in Australia’s finance sector. It focuses on diverse, impact-driven investments in First Nations-led businesses that create long-term social and environmental benefits for First Nations communities. 

Who we work with

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FAC Reports

"First Australians Capital and Indigenous Impact came together at the start of 2021 to start work on this framework: The Indigenous First Impact Framework."
The Quantifying capital requirements in the indigenous business sector report, outlines the the capital requirements of the Indigenous business sector to thrive.” 
Kolang, Kowa, Impact report
FAC is pleased to announce the release of our 3-year Impact Report. This report sets out the early work First Australians Capital has accomplished to grow an Indigenous-led Impact Investment Fund for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Australia’s impact investment market has the opportunity to play a greater and more transformative role in.

Indigenous economic development and social equality, which will have multiplier effects in key impact areas and create opportunities for all Australians.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have produced natural, intellectual, and cultural capital for thousands of years; they began with abundant wealth.  [We] invested in cultural production such as oral history, painting, dance and song. As custodians of the land, we engaged in sustainable natural capital production and maintained the ecosystem. We generated intellectual capital such as building sophisticated fish traps, inventing aerodynamic weapons, and the development of extensive trade networks. These forms of natural, cultural, and intellectual capital are assets at our disposal to reactivate a First Nations economic model. Data sovereignty, renewable energy, net zero emissions, carbon credits and nature-based solutions are emerging sources of First Nations’ capital.”

Kado Muir, “Wealth in First Nations: Inclusive wealth and colonial legacies”, published 20 September 2022

FAC Policies

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A Tool To Support The Indigenous Economy

First Australians Capital and Indigenous Impact came together at the start of 2021 to start work on this framework: The Indigenous First Impact Framework.

We believe we can uniquely position the Australian impact investment market with greater Indigenous inclusions, which will have multiplier effects in key impact areas, through equitable access to ‘Right’ capital.

First, we need to shape the foundations. This begins by shifting mindsets about the collective power and capacity of the Indigenous economy, showcasing the opportunities for growth, and demonstrating the knowledge of Indigenous participants to lead the way.

Increasing self-determined futures for Indigenous peoples is the ‘north star’ for this framework. Indigenous ‘Self-determination’ might not be front of mind for all investors, but it is a path that many of our mob still seek after long periods of systemic and institutional oppression, even in contemporary Australia.

This is not just a national issue but also a global issue. Reducing inequalities is Goal 10 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It captures the importance of no-one being left behind. It is increasingly recognised that our dependence on achieving the other 16 SDGs will be determined by our ability to make significant progress with achieving greater levels of equality.

We believe impact capital markets have the opportunity to play a greater and more transformative role in Indigenous economic development and social equality.

We invite all institutions from investors to mainstream finance providers to read and reflect on the Framework. If you would like to discuss the Framework and how you could explore implementing its principles, please get in touch at

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Stories of Investors

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences provides Aboriginal cultural experiences near the Yango State Forrest in Wollombi, NSW. Founder Auntie Leanne King,…
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Artwork by Salty One created for First Australians Capital Strategic Plan 2031: Radical Possibilities

Lowell Hunter (Salty One) produced this artwork for First Australians Capital’s Strategic Plan 2031: Radical Possibilities. This artwork was created…
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Sobah are breaking down the stigma of socialising sober. You can enjoy a unique tasting non-alcoholic craft beer when out…
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